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Bakehouses, bakeries, salesrooms

The right LED lighting for your bakery

von Joan Degener

Your advantages of light optimization

Why you will
profit enormously

Salesroom: Increase sales
LED lighting with light color specifically tailored for baked goods has been proven to boost sales. The low heat production of LED ensures that baked goods stay fresh longer.
Save electricity & energy costs
Modern LED luminaires hold a high potential for savings in terms of energy costs. Especially in bakeries, where the working day already starts in the dark morning hours, this is a worthwhile investment.
In bakehouses and bakeries, there are regulations regarding the correct illuminance levels. These depend on the visual task associated with the activity. We help you to illuminate your bakery according to standards.
Occupational health and safety
In addition to the general risk assessment, there are additional requirements for the operation of electrical equipment for workplaces with special hazards. Due to an increased risk of explosion in bakeries, EX-protected luminaires are required.
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DIN EN 12464

Your bakery lighting should meet
these requirements

Light visual tasks
Preparation and baking rooms
Demanding visual tasks
Finishing of goods
Special case of explosion protection
EX-luminaires in bakeries

Expert tip

Universal lighting is not suitable for your bakehouse lighting. We recommend a flexible lighting concept consisting of individual solutions for each practice and each activity. Our lighting experts will calculate for you individually what such a solution would look like for you.

Light calculation


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Light Calculation  Learn more

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300 €

FAQ Bakery Lighting

What illuminance levels are prescribed in a bakery?

Depending on the requirements of the visual task, there are different regulations for bakeries according to DIN 12464-1: 

  • Baking and preparation rooms: 300 lux
  • Finishing, decorating & glazing: 500 lux.

For even more delicate work, such as creating decorative cakes or filigree works of art, it is often worthwhile to have even brighter illumination at the respective workstations.

In flour processing plants, depending on the amount and frequency of dust generated, the operation of so-called EX lighting is mandatory in accordance with the ATEX Directive. These and other measures are anchored in the explosion protection document that every employer in plants with potentially explosive atmospheres must have drawn up. 

Especially on the sales floor, lighting creates an inviting atmosphere and can make baked goods look especially appetizing, which promotes sales. LED lights do more than just that. They are also extremely efficient and generate little heat. This means that even directly illuminated baked goods stay fresh longer.